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2 de Enero de 2016

FOTOS | Así luce hoy la mejor amiga de "Matilda" a casi 20 años del estreno de la película

Además de la cinta de la pequeña con superpoderes, la actriz fue parte de varias otras películas como Conan (1998), Promise Land (1998), Grown Ups (1999) y Bruno (2000).


Muchos recordarán la película “Matilda”, cinta donde una pequeña niña tenía súperpoderes y era absolutamente incomprendida por su frívola familia. Además de su protagonista, fueron varios los niños que formaron parte del elenco.

Entre ellos se encontraba Kiami Davael, quien interpretó a la tierna Lavender Brown, la mejor amiga de la protagonista en el colegio que dirigía la temida Agatha Tronchatoro.

Según consigna el portal Página 7, Davael tras participar en esta producción, fue parte de varias otras como Conan (1998), Promise Land (1998), Grown Ups (1999) y Bruno (2000).

Años más tarde, la joven estudió Psicología en la Universidad de Kentucky, donde se graduó en 2008. Posteriormente, escribió su primera película titulada Reckless.

Walking into 2016 like . Wow.. How quickly the year flew. It's been a year of lessons, growth, failures and wins. It's been a year full of tears of pain & joy. An amazing year of blessings & tests, valleys & mountains. But I'm still here.. You're still here.. We're still here! What the devil wanted to use to kill us, God showed up & used for His good. Let's walk into 2016 with our heads held high, like the Queens & Kings we are. This is going to be a year of break throughs, come ups, new beginnings & dreams coming true. I can not wait to see what fantastic doors God's going to open for us this year. Unstoppable, unimaginable blessings. I believe 2016 will be the beginning of the best years of our lives. We're taking everything back the devil stole from us, & being blessed with all God ever wanted us to have. 2015.. Thank you. 2016.. I'm ready! HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVES. It shall be EPIC ❤️

A photo posted by Kiami Davael (@officialkiamidavael) on

Kiami Davael of 2016 . So, 2015 has been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster for me! But I've grown so much through all those ups & downs, & for that I'm grateful. Not perfect, but I am choosing to be a better version of myself everyday, because I owe myself that. And so do you. Don't let people's foolishness hinder your grind. Don't let people's ill feelings towards you & their misunderstandings of who you are change you. Be you, do you, & do it well. Love God, love yourself, & then spread that love to those around you. Invest in yourself, be proud of how far you've come, & be motivated to push to your fullest potential. Don't be upset when people don't understand your sacrifice because God didn't give them your vision. Stay the course, DON'T GIVE UP, & God will do the rest. I LOVE YOU ALL! Merry Christmas my shining stars ❤️

A photo posted by Kiami Davael (@officialkiamidavael) on

After the photo shoot, there's an after shoot SO blessed & thankful to God for all He's blessing me with. 2016 is about to be so AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLE.

A photo posted by Kiami Davael (@officialkiamidavael) on

#LastNight Red Carpet for "Christmas With The Butlers" – hosted by producers Leah and Henry Butler. A lovely evening benefitting the charity Pathways To Your Future – which helps to provide shelter for homeless youth, individuals, families and single male parents. Blessed to be a blessing.

A photo posted by Kiami Davael (@officialkiamidavael) on

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