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7 de Enero de 2016

El crudo relato de la joven activista anti-violación que fue abusada en plena gira

La muchacha de 27 contó su terrible experiencia a través de su Instagram.


Amber Amour estaba en Sudáfrica cuando aseguró haber sido violada. La joven de 27 años y residencia en Nueva York documentó a través de su Instagram los brutales momentos posteriores al ataque.

Lo más atroz de la historia es que Amber inició la campaña/fundación #stoprapeeducate (Alto a las violaciones, educa) hace un año luego de sufrir un asalto sexual, lo que motivó en ella la cruzada de viajar por el mundo apoyando a víctimas de violaciones y de crear conciencia al respecto. Estaba en eso, en Sudáfrica, cuando fue atacada.

It was only a few minutes ago but sometimes these things happen so fast it’s hard to remember all the details…. I’ve been sick for the past 2 days and today was my first day out. I went back to my old hostel to leave a note for a friend, Nick. There was another guy there, Shakir, who was desperately trying to get with me. I kissed him once but he seemed drunk so I told him it was bad timing, I had already met someone. Before heading out, I went upstairs to say hi to one more friend, Clyde from the states. Shakir followed me upstairs and said he was going to take a shower. He invited me to join. I said yes because the water at my current hostel is pretty cold and after 2 days of being sick, I just really wanted a hot shower. As soon as I got in the bathroom, he forced me to my knees. I said “stop!” but he just got more violent. He lifted me up and put his penis in my vagina. I asked him to stop, again, as I began to cry. When he shoved it in my ass, that’s when I passed out. I woke up a few minutes later and saw him trying to creep out the door. When he saw that I was awake, he came back to finish me off in the shower. I have all those fucked up feelings that we get after rape…shame, disgust, suffering. I’m here, alone, and any DNA has been wiped away in the shower. The South African police will just roll their eyes when I walk in. Feeling sicker than ever now. Needless today, I’m going to disappear for a bit. Just need to enjoy the freaking sun and call my friends and family in the states. Love you guys. Thank you for always being there for me. All the more reason to continue @stoprapeeducate but not today. Today, I need rest. #StopRapeEducate

Una foto publicada por Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) el

El relato es bastante explicito. Cuenta que la foto en la que aparece llorando fue subida sólo minutos después de sucedidos los hechos. Que le cuesta recordar los detalles. Dice que llevaba un par de días enferma. Que salió a su antiguo hostal a ver a su amigo Nick. Allí estaba otro tipo, Shakir, que estaba intentando acercarse a ella desesperadamente. Dice que se besaron pero que ella le pidió dejar las cosas hasta ahí porque él estaba borracho. Antes de salir, subió a despedirse de otro amigo, Clyde, estadounidense. Shakir entonces la siguió y le dijo que se iba a duchar. La invitó a acompañarla. Amber dice que aceptó, porque llevaba dos días enferma y que en su lugar de alojamiento sólo había agua helada y necesitaba una ducha caliente. Apenas entró al baño Shakir la violó hasta que se desmayó. Después posteó una foto cuando estaba en el hospital luego de denunciar lo ocurrido.

My view of the rape kit. Thank you all for being so loving & supportive during this time. Your messages pushed me to take action and to stand up for myself and for all rape survivors. For those who wish to BLAME ME or any other survivor out there, I want you to know that you are the very reason that I am so brutally honest. I could have hidden details. I could have kept some info to myself, but NO. You need to know the truth and to see the reality of the situation. No matter what a person does, it is not an invitation for rape. It doesn’t matter if I kissed him. It doesn’t matter if he was drunk. It doesn’t matter if I said yes to a shower. I never said he could get violent with me. I never said he could make me bleed. I never said he could rape me. But still, that’s how the scene went down. I don’t need to explain myself but if you’re wondering WHY I took a shower with him, it was written in the text, I’d been sick with food poisoning for 2 days and needed to sweat it out. My current place of residence has only cold water (third world problems are real!) and it seemed like a miracle to be offered a hot shower. That’s not what he was there for though, because as soon as he got a chance, he threw me to the ground and had his way. Dealing with rape is hard enough but the aftermath is often even more traumatic but I did this for you and I did this for me. The US Embassy and the South African police are super supportive and he may be arrested as soon as this week. Thank you for the love. And for the victim blamers, I send love, peace, and enlightenment to you so that you may be a beacon of light for us, too. #StopRapeEducate #AmberAmour #AmberTheActivist #SouthAfrica #humanitarian #healing #education #africa #survivor #sexualassault #recovery #victimblaming #overcome #rapeculture #staystrong Una foto publicada por Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) el

En este post se excusa por lo brutalmente honesto de su relato. Agradece las muestras de apoyo y responde a quienes la critican por supuestamente haber incitado a su agresor al aceptar ducharse con él.

@stoprapeeducate, we’ve come so far. I started this organization after getting raped last year in NYC and I honestly never thought it would happen to me again, and certainly not during the #StopRapeEducate World Tour…. There’s a smile on my face in this photo but my heart is broken because tomorrow I’m supposed to leave to continue the tour in Australia, New Caledonia, Los Angeles, and San Francisco but I unfortunately have to stay here in South Africa to put the man who raped me behind bars. I know that people around the world are counting on me and I’m sorry to disappoint. I do know, however, that this is an opportunity for us to grow even stronger as a community, to own our power, and radiate self-love as depicted in this picture. Thank you ALL for being so supportive! We shall overcome. We can do anything. We are infinite! ⭐️ Go follow @natnatperez the woman behind the camera a fabulous feminist photographer. #StopRapeEducate #ambertheactivist #AmberAmour #feminism #feminist #womensrights #humanrights #equality #queer #model #modeling #SouthAfrica #girlswithdreads #loveandlight #love #selflove #namaste #art #CapeTown #bodypositive #girlpower #girlboss #overcome #survivor #peace #happyhippie #positivity #revolution Una foto publicada por Amber Amour (@ambertheactivist) el

Acá Amber cuenta que pese a que debería haber continuado su gira en Australia y luego regresar a Estados Unidos, pero que se quedó en Sudáfrica apoyando la investigación para poder poner tras las rejas al hombre que la violó. Dice que pese a tener una sonrisa en su rostro tiene el corazón roto.

En esta imagen Amber comparte una fotografía con nada más ni nada menos que el hombre al que acusa de haberla violado. Dice que lo había conocido hace una semana y que incluso la había acompañado a pintar con tiza el nombre de su movimiento. Que cuando la estaba abusando le dijo “me gustabas, esto no tiene por qué suceder así”. Termina con la siguiente reflexión: “A veces la vida tira mierda en tu camino y no queda otra que tratar de sacar lo mejor de eso. Los amo mucho”.

La historia continúa en el Instagram de Amber acá

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